User Guides & Videos for the Q2 Digital Banking Experience

your digital banking
marketing resource

Murphy & Company has built a library of user guides and videos, which can be cost-effectively edited and branded to any bank or credit union offering the Q2 Digital Banking experience.

For over a decade, over 100 Q2 financial institutions rely on a combination of Murphy & Company’s exceptional creative marketing services. Our marketing tools are always updating to mirror the latest Q2 software and provide end users with real-time support. We are one of the most knowledgeable sources of Q2 content outside their community.

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digital user guides

No digital banking deployment is complete without a solid user guide walking either a consumer or business owner through the “How-to” of the digital banking process.  We offer both a retail and business user guide in a modern “Flipping Book” format.

Video playlists

Video is an effective tool used to promote your digital banking and show people how it works. Like music on your phone, we organize our videos into playlist based on the business topic. Each playlist has approximately 10 videos and each average 50 to 60 seconds in length.  

Like the user guides, we leverage the latest creative tools to start with a common library of content, then edit and adjust to your unique deployment and apply your brand.